Travis & Wells® Leather Writing Pad



12 - 24$90.26
25 - 49$77.41
50 - 99$67.58
100+ $64.98

Leather E-Writing pad with printed liner and 10 tablet sleeve.

All's write with the world once you include the Travis & Wells leather e-writing pad in your campaign! This leather e-writing pad features an exterior pocket, stylish printed liner, sleeve with a scratch-resistant lining that fits up to a 10 tablet, multi-pocket organizer, stylus and pen loops and unique FlipTuck™ feature for storing paper behind the pad while taking notes. A 2-piece Travis & Wells™ gift box is included. Order now!

Additional information


Shipping will be calculated once quantities have been confirmed and all swag has been ordered. If needed prior to placing your order, please let us know.


Set-up Charge

20+ $65


Die Charge

20+ $65

Additional Location

Add. Location Charge

12 - 99$1.08
100 - 299$0.86
300 - 999$0.65
1000+ $0.49
SKU: 6499219 Category: Brand:

All’s write with the world once you include the Travis & Wells leather e-writing pad in your campaign! This leather e-writing pad features an exterior pocket, stylish printed liner, sleeve with a scratch-resistant lining that fits up to a 10 tablet, multi-pocket organizer, stylus and pen loops and unique FlipTuck™ feature for storing paper behind the pad while taking notes. A 2-piece Travis & Wells™ gift box is included. Order now!

Travis & Wells® Leather Writing Pad

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